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Bray project wins Business to Arts Award

Bray Municipal District with Bray Credit Union, Platform Pizza and Megazyme with Chris Judge and Donna Carroll won the ‘Best Use of Creativity in the Community’ Award for ‘Brave Maeve Children’s Myth & Art Trail’ at the Business to Arts Awards 2018.

A collaborative created new myth about a Bray landmark was installed as a series of murals along a one-kilometre children’s art trail. For the artwork, 50 children between the ages of 4 and 8 workshopped a new story during two sessions about a sleeping child giant under Bray Head with children’s author and illustrator Chris Judge and visual arts curator Donna Carroll.

This year’s Business to Arts Awards attracted a high level of entries, increased regional activity and long-term partnerships that continue to evolve through diverse activation campaigns. Over €13m spent on arts sponsorships submitted. The Awards recognise businesses, artists and arts organisations that develop creative partnerships and bring businesses and the arts into mutually beneficial relationships across society. The evening was a celebration of the most innovative and creative partnerships in Ireland in 2017/2018.

Leading the congratulations among over 500 business and arts leaders at the theatre was Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan TD who said “The Awards play a vital role in benchmarking models of good practice in Ireland, and a platform to showcase ideas. With the central tenets of the Awards being innovation and creativity, they constantly attract the best creative talent in Ireland to create a memorable event that inspires those who attend to engage more with Ireland’s cultural community and industry.”

Andrew Hetherington, Chief Executive of Business to Arts, said “As we celebrate Business to Arts’ 30th Anniversary, we recognise the importance of the Awards to our organisation’s mission – to enable, develop and support creative partnerships. Celebrating and showcasing best-practice national and regional partnerships that have taken place this past year, encourages businesses in Ireland and abroad to look to the arts and identify ways to address business, social and environmental needs.”

2018 marks the 27th anniversary of the Business to Arts Awards, which recognise businesses, artists and arts organisations that develop and sustain creative partnerships.

The awards recognise large, mid-sized, small and long-term sponsorships, staff engagement activities, commissioning, corporate social responsibility programme, community engagement and portfolio-based partnerships.

Read more about #BraveMaeveStoryTrail and download the full story here.