Wicklow County Council is giving its support to National Tree Week which runs from Sunday, March 21st to Saturday, 27th March and this year is a virtual event.
Organised by the Tree Council of Ireland, it will be available through the Council’s website because of COVID-19 restrictions around travel and gatherings of people.
Coillte will donate native tree saplings during National Tree Week 2021 such as oak, birch and alder in co-ordination with the Tree Council of Ireland. Wicklow County Council is distributing 800 trees to local groups.
A Photography Competition is also being run in conjunction with National Tree week with prizes of €100 for the winner; €75 for second place and a third prize of €50.
All you have to do is take a picture of your favourite tree and tell why it means something to you. Then upload it to the Tree Council website: https://www.treecouncil.ie/nationaltreeweek2021
Over the course of the week, there will have lots of tree-related activities and information on the website. The President of the Tree Council, Éanna Ní Lamhna, will host a webinar during the week – “Trees in Springtime” giving lots of interesting facts about the blossoming of trees.
Wicklow has a wealth of tree resources. Why not visit a local woodland for a family walk to celebrate the week. It is a great time of year to be in the forest experiencing the vibrant new growth of the understory, the slow awakening of trees with buds preparing to burst open and the sounds of birds busily claiming their territory and starting new families.
A walk in the local woods or exploring the local trees in your community is great for your well-being and health.
For more information about National Tree Week visit: www.treecouncil.ie.
*National Tree Week, organised by the Tree Council since 1989 in partnership with Coillte, is a weeklong programme of events to celebrate all things trees.
*The Tree Council of Ireland is a non-governmental voluntary organisation which acts as an umbrella body for organisations involved in the establishment, management and conservation of trees in Ireland. The mission statement is to foster a tree culture in Ireland through action and awareness.
The objective is to educate the public about the nature and value of trees through the organisation of events and tree-related activities, to facilitate networking among members and to be a representative voice for tree culture and tree promotion.