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Your voice matters and your vote is important so Check the Register!

Wicklow County Council is responsible for compiling the Register of Electors (voting register) for Co. Wicklow. The Register is updated annually and comes into force on 15 February every year. Persons aged 18 or over on that date who are otherwise qualified can register to vote.

It’s your responsibility to ensure that your details are current and correct. Even if you’re already registered to vote, now is the time to check and either confirm or update your details by providing your PPSN, Eircode and Date of Birth. To have your say on shaping Ireland’s future, you must be on the Electoral Register.

The website also now allows you to make an application to:

  • Register to vote

  • Complete your existing record with your PPSN, date of birth, nationality and Eircode

  • Make any changes to your name or address

For now, paper application forms are still needed for some requests. These applications generally require certification/witnessing or supporting documentation. The forms can be downloaded from the forms section of the website.

Check that your details on the Electoral Register are current and correct here.