Welcome to the official Bray Municipal District pages on bray.ie. This section of the website offers information on council activities, documents and forms for you to download and keep you up to date with the very latest district news.
Details of the various functions and supports provided by Bray Municipal District:
Bray Municipal District covers a wide geographical area in East Wicklow, encompassing towns and villages such as Bray, Enniskerry and Kilmacanogue. This area has a population of over 35,530.
Some of the many varied functions and supports carried out by Bray Municipal District include:
- Local representation and civic leadership
- Maintenance and improvement of vast networks of both local and regional roads
- Local footpath renewal
- Management of the housing stock owned by Wicklow County Council
- Litter control and street cleaning
- Drain/gully maintenance
- Maintenance of Bray Seafront, parks, playgrounds, sporting facilities and open spaces
- Providing ongoing information and communication with members of the public through Bray.ie and our puca text messaging system
- Supporting local festivals and community groups
- Promoting the town by hosting events such as Bray Air Display, the largest free air display in Ireland
- Supporting Pieta House Darkness into Light Walk
- Facilitating the film industry by issuing event permits in our area
- Facilitating the delivery of a large-scale retail development within the core retail area on the Florentine site
- Promotion of road safety through the provision of school warden services
- Tourism and economic development
- Maintenance of Springfield burial ground
- Provision of public conveniences
- Liaison with community groups throughout the area
- Provision of a motor tax service every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10.30 am to 2 pm in Bray
- Management of the restricted parking areas in Bray Town
Our Town Management Team includes:
Bray Municipal District Management Team includes:-
- Town Manager – Lorraine Gallagher
- District Administrator – Garvan Hickey
- Senior Executive Engineer – Liam Bourke
- Executive Engineer – Stephen Fox
- Executive Engineer – Conor Carty
- Administrative Officer (Housing) – Brian Wildes
Please contact us if you have any questions or comments you would like to ask or tell us.
Bray Municipal District, Civic Offices
Main Street,
Bray, Co. Wicklow
Please contact the customer care section for any queries: 01-2744900
Fax: 01 2860930 VPN: 1035 4900
In the event of an emergency outside of normal working hours, you can contact our call answering service by dialling 01 2744900 and selecting 0.
Office Opening Hours
Bray Customer Care: | By Phone – (01) 2744900 Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) 9.00am – 1.00pm and 2.00pm – 5.00pm |
Cash Office public counter: | Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) 9.00am – 1.00pm and 2.00pm – 4.00pm |
Motor Tax public counter: | Tuesday to Thursday 10.30am – 2.00pm Alternatively motor tax can be renewed online at www.motortax.ie or applications can be posted to Motor Taxation, Bray Municipal District, Civic Offices, Main Street, Bray, Co. Wicklow Please note that all driving licence applications & queries must be sent to NDLS. |
Housing Counter: | Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) 9.00am – 1.00pm and 2.00pm – 4.00pm |
Bray Tourist Office: | Counter is currently closed to the public. Email: braytourism@wicklowcoco.ie. Website: www.bray.ie |
Please contact the customer care section for any queries: (01) 274 4900
Our Town updates & information
Apply to Use a Public Area (Prior to making an application please read guidelines for Events in Wicklow’s Outdoor Recreation Areas here)
Access to Bray Municipal District