It was necessary to close the Cliff Walk between Bray and Greystones over the weekend due to a number of landslides as the cliff has become unstable in parts due to the prolonged period of very heavy rainfall on top of the very wet preceding months of January and February. Some of the landslides are visible from the walk but others are not and are considered dangerous as those using the walk would not be aware of same.
The landslides are being caused by surface water runoff from all of the lands above the walk. This situation is mainly occurring on the Greystones side of Bray Head where the walk is on the soft fine clay that is easily eroded by water and not on the Bray side where it is mostly on the exposed rock of the head.
Short term, it is necessary to close the walk as the cliff face is unstable. Please note that attempts to close the walk due to previous lockdowns have been problematic, as some walkers ignored notices and barriers. The co-operation of the public is requested during this temporary closure in the interests of health & safety.
In the medium term, the Council is assessing the situation to determine the extent of the collapse and possibilities for remedial action and investigating the feasibility of an alternative route as a diversion over the most hazardous section and are arranging to put in place measures for the short-term protection of the public.
The patience of the public is appreciated during this time.