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€7.14 million in funding announced for Bray Harbour Area Integrated Regeneration

The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, today (Monday. March 15th 2021) announced €30.4 million in funding for five regeneration projects in the Mid-East investment region of Kildare, Meath and Wicklow. The projects are being funded under ‘Call 2’ of the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF). The URDF part-funds projects aimed at enhancing urban areas to make them more attractive places in which to live, work, visit and invest. The three local authorities, which will deliver these multi-annual projects, will receive this funding.

The projects for which Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) support have been approved are:

  • Bray Harbour Area Integrated Regeneration (Wicklow County Council) – €7.14 million
  • Celbridge to Hazelhatch Link Road (Kildare County Council) – €10.23 million
  • Naas Town Renewal Masterplan (Kildare County Council) – €3.49 million
  • Maynooth Town Centre Renewal – Strengthening the Grid (Kildare County Council) – €1.90 million
  • Flowerhill and Abbeylands Regeneration (Meath County Council) – €7.66 million

Commenting on the announcement Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD said ‘The Bray Harbour project exemplifies the role the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) plays in funding works that can release sites for future development, all with the aim of regenerating an area with so much potential. Overall, I believe this funding can be a catalyst for regeneration, development and growth. It will also provide much-needed economic stimulus and job creation in Kildare, Meath and Wicklow as our economy emerges from the depths of the pandemic’.

Bray Harbour Area Integrated Regeneration – €7.14 million

This project focuses on the regeneration of the Bray Harbour Area and releasing various sites for future development through a series of integrated elements. The overall vision is to re-imagine and regenerate the strategically located waterfront area of Bray; to increase economic activity, amenity, and connectivity to public transport, the sea-front and esplanade. The aim is to deliver a vibrant public amenity that will be of great benefit to residents and visitors alike. Works envisaged include:

  • Amenity and Public Realm – an extension of amenity areas, improvement of the streetscape, parking, cycle provision and sporting facilities
  • Promenade Board Walk – linking the promenade with the harbour
  • Cycle Bridge – to relieve a pinch point at the Dargle Bridge crossing
  • Relocation of boat storage to the north of the harbour

Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) funding for Wicklow:

The €7.14 million in approved funding is in addition to €13.42 million in approved URDF funding for three ‘Call 1’ projects: ‘Bray Public Transport Bridge’; ‘Arklow Historic Town Core’; and ‘Wicklow Town’.

Total URDF funding approved to date: €20.56 million. Read more here.