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Wicklow Community Funding tops €4.64 Million in 2020

Grant funding of €4.64m was administered by Wicklow County Council’s Community, Cultural & Social Development Directorate in 2020.

Wicklow did exceptionally well under the various Town & Village enhancement schemes in 2020, securing funding of €961,538 for 25 different projects spread across the county.

The Council’s own Community Grants scheme paid out €200,000 to 300 groups while the Community Enhancement Programme saw €212,205 awarded to 163 different groups.

The 2020 Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme delivered €158,247 to nine projects under Measure 1 initiatives. Additional grant aid is expected under Measures 2 and 3.

The latest round of Rural Regeneration Development funding saw €2.67m allocated to regenerate the town of Baltinglass.

In the sports area, €41,000 was paid out to sporting clubs and initiatives in 2020, while €73,900 was allocated to Creative Ireland projects.

Under the Healthy Ireland initiative, €115,385 was allocated for Wicklow projects while Libraries received €145,619 specifically for COVID-19 expenditure.

The CLAR Programme delivered €60,000 to carpark projects in Knockananna and Askinagap.

Acknowledging this significant investment in the County, Cathaiorleach of Wicklow County Council, Cllr Pat Kennedy, paid tribute to the staff in the Community, Cultural and Social Development directorate and to Minister for Rural & Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, and her officials. Cllr Kennedy stated that these projects, spread across different communities throughout the county, will significantly enhance a large number of towns and villages and he congratulated all those involved.

Welcoming over €4.6m for projects in the County, the Cathaoirleach of the Community, Cultural & Social Development Strategic Policy Committee, Cllr Gail Dunne, added his congratulations to all the community groups in the successful funding applications throughout 2020.

Wicklow County Council Chief Executive, Mr Frank Curran, added that the Council staff will continue to work in partnership with all groups in the county to advance even more projects in 2021.